Our team is a set of well-experienced ecologists with more than a decade of experience working in
Indian tropical and European temperate ecosystems.
Ecosystem assessments
We help clients with forests or generally large landholdings (shrublands or grasslands) to identify the state of the art of their ecosystem by site visits and sampling. We identify the possible major issues related to the forest (such as Invasive species or degradation due to human activity or pests). Using a combination of onsite observations and statistical tools (such as diversity indices and biodiversity ranking tools), we create an advisory report for clients to act on the restoration/remediation of their landscape. A detailed map and the required remediation is provided to the clients, which is then used in a developmental protocol of the project.

Carbon Assessments and Budgeting Services

In the current times, when the Indian economy is developing its domestic carbon markets, many new rules and mandates by the government to calculate and declare emissions are becoming compulsory.
For example, SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) has made it mandatory for listed industries to have “Business responsibility and sustainability” as a mandatory part of their operating policy. Taking this into account, the new corporate policies for calculating carbon footprints, sequestration potential, and subsequent offsetting are becoming critical for businesses.
Our team has extensive experience in conducting emissions mapping (C footprint assessment) and also assessing the sequestration potential of any forest land holdings a company might hold. Furthermore, our consultants can help with designing policies keeping ESG (Environmental Social Governance) in perspective for developing bio-synchronous and sustainable policies. Our team has experience in Indian and European industries for more than a decade with C assessment services. We are versed in providing schematics to institutions in the current changing carbon assessment and budgeting arena.
Our services work in three major factors:
Carbon - Footprint Mapping – Calculating Scope 1, 2 and Scope 3 emissions as per IPCC (Inter-governmental Panel for Climate Change) guidelines.
Carbon - Sequestration Calculation – Many businesses own forest lands in India, which can be used as carbon sequesters. Improving the quality of these forests and mapping their C sequestration can help businesses build on their offsetting mechanisms. Our team of ecologists can help assess the sequestration potential of forests, increase diversity, and improve the climate resilience of ecosystems.
Sustainability Advise for Vitalizing Ecosystems (SAVE) – Once the business is aware of its emissions and offsetting potential, we help the administration optimize its resources by suggesting modifications in the current practices and also help develop sustainable policies for a better future.
Ecological Training and Education
We offer a series of training and workshops for students, researchers and corporate professionals.
Ecology and Research -
We aim to train young researchers and ecologists in two aspects.
Environmental Analytics:
Basics of Statistics and R Programming for Ecology and Environmental Sciences ​
Advanced Statistics and R Programming
Machine Learning and AI in Ecology
- ​Restoration and Applied Ecology:
Field Botany​
Sampling techniques
Plant Identification
- Circular Economy:
- Ecological and production cycles
- Reduction from recycling to reuse
- Materials management - No waste - somebody's waste is somebody's raw material
ESG and Carbon -
These workshops are designed to educate corporations and policymakers about the formulations and operations of the Carbon markets and their relevance to various industries. We take a deep dive into the concept of ecosystem services to help policymakers understand the do's and don'ts of the carbon market. The outcome of these workshops is to help policymakers have a mindset of making meaningful biosynchronous sustainable policies.
We offer:
Workshop on Caron Market Footprints, Offsetting and Sustainable Strategies
Workshop on Circular Economy to Optimize Business Process and Efficient Energy Use